Coffee with Connectors: Melanie Huggins

Girl Scouts of South Carolina 1107 Williams St Columbia, SC 29201

Welcome to our monthly coffee meeting that provides opportunities for business networking, professional development, and community connection. Breakfast and coffee will be catered for our Connectors. Please try your best to arrive around 8:15 so we can start the meeting at 8:30 sharp. This month our coffee will be off-site at The Girls Scouts of […]

Coffee with Connectors: Jeff Blake & Seth Morris

Za's on Devine 2930 Devine St, Columbia, SC 29205

Welcome to our monthly coffee meeting that provides opportunities for business networking, professional development, and community connection. Coffee will be provided from Chick-Fil-A. Please try your best to arrive around 8:15 so we can start the meeting at 8:30 sharp. We have two fantastic presentations this month from Jeff Blake with Jeff Blake Photography, and […]